I worked there off and on for about 3 years. After I had been there about a year, we got a new server. Duane. Fucking Duane.
Duane was best friends with Robbie, who I thought could stop time, move mountains, and turn water into wine. Robbie was the shit. I also believe he started me on the path of preferring men with red hair, isn't that lucky for me now?
Unfortunately, Robbie wouldn't give me the time of day. We were friends, and no matter how many anvils I dropped on his head, he just wasn't going for this. I couldn't figure it out! I was in my prime! Young, Nubile, Fit, a child with an unclouded brow of wonder. What the fuck was his problem?!? Duane was his problem. Fucking Duane!
Like I said, Duane was a cool guy. I liked him a lot. I even gave him a Bruce Lee poster for his birthday, and one of those Weasel Ball toys. I just didn't have those kind of feelings for him. And I TOLD him this, time and time again. Every time he asked me out. "Thank you Duane, but I just don't feel that way about you."
Isn't that the most direct, honest, and therefore best way to tell someone you aren't interested?
Now, through the stalkerly glory of Myspace, Duane has found me again. Oh, joy. We emailed each other a little bit back and forth, mostly me gushing over Bobi, until he said something to the effect of "I was so head over heels for you". Actually he said "head over heals". Gah. To which I replied:
Yeah I remember that. Because I had such a crush on Robbie, and he wouldn't really give me the time of day. Our silly pizza hut love triangle. Oh well, we were so young!
And got THIS in response...
lol yeah you hit the nail on the head there i allways felt that you wanted me a little bit but just not enough to take the plunge but thats good i needed to go through all my bullshit with adriane to really mature and that took quite some time if we had worked together now you wouldnt be able to resist me i know im not the best looking guy but i have learned to work with what i got i still dont think ur a bitch i want to say thank you for allways treating me well a lot of people in bville were so two faced and i usually didnt find out till it was too late but not you a few years after i left thew hut i ran into the other beth her last name escapes me at this time i was at murphys in flo town fukked up out my mine and skied up on powder and i was like making rather lewd but sweet comments to her im glad her hubby wasnt around lol oh god that shit was funny i can be such a pimp when im drunk
What the fuck? So I said...
Erm. What?
I liked you as a person, as a friend. I knew you had a crush on me, but no...I never actually wanted to "go there". Nothing against you, and it's not because of looks. Like I said, I had a thing for Robbie. BIG TIME. As far as treating you well goes...well, I try to always treat people respectfully until they piss me the fuck off.
'Fukked' is not a word. If you are going to say something, say it right. And, 'skied up on powder'? Trust me, if you ever thought I couldn't resist you, there's the one thing you could say to ensure that I can resist you. For all time. First of all, I have a boyfriend. A great one. Secondly, I hate that shit. I don't touch it, I don't go near it, and I don't go around people who use it. I know you were a cool person once. So please, to keep yourself from losing any further cool points, don't do that shit! And if you are going to do it, don't talk to me about it. Seriously.
There is no such thing as 'lewd but sweet'. It's one or the other, so it was probably lewd. And if you had come up to ME drunk and 'skied up' and making lewd comments, I would have resolutely and unceremoniously punched you in the face, don't need a husband to do it for me. Don't you have a girlfriend?
You know that people use a period to complete a sentance, Duane. Try it, it's neat. Just because it's the internet doesn't mean it's a bad grammar free-for-all, okay?
Have fun at the show tommorow night, and stay away from the blow.
Was that too much?
My friend Skin just sent me this postcard from HBO.com, from one of the greatest shows EVER, Carnivale...
Good lord. That guy sounds whacked out. "Lewd but sweet"? What the hell does that even mean?
Men are by and large morons, and I thank God for the few that aren't.
I'm with you there. I sometimes wonder if the old man in the sky has big mason jars filled with specimens like Duane. What a Nard. Duane, not God. God is "OK" by me.
And yeah, it's guys like that that make you appreciate the good ones (shout-out Bobi!)
Hey! I think this is your first comment on my bloginess! Welcome, Sleepy! I'm so glad you're here!
i certainly hope that i'm one of the few that isn't a moron but who knows! didn't read yer whole post as i'm drunk but i'll agree with sleep goblin that this dude is a bucket full of monkey balls(that just made me laugh!). bye bye
I'm sure you're a nice person, with many fine qualities.
Of course you DO drunk-comment.
Bad one!
You'll have to forgive me, as I was slow in making the connection that "bee" was "bobi's new girlfriend."
Anyone who loves him is A OK in my book :) As I (maybe, I can't remember) told him, I would, but someone beat him to it.
Aw thanks! I do love him! I love him MUY!
I only wish I was half as awesome as Kimberlina.
"sentance" is spelled sentence, since we're being all technical :p
You know I'm playin.
See BETH! I've been trying to tell you how awesome you are this whole time! Thanks to Kimberlina for the reinforcement! Don't go getting a big head about it though....:)
BTW that whole interaction is TOTALLY messed up. Good for you giving it to him where it hurts! Did he respond? Damn crackhead!!(or whatever)
Between you and Bobi I will never ever need a spell checker.
At least I punctuate.
Yes you DO punctuate!
Sorry, it must be a mid-western thing?
IT must, Bobi.
Naw, the grammer and spelling correction thing, um hello?
That was nice of you to share the pic that I sent you! Thanks.
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