Cue Music. Yes, I'm going there, it's friday. "A Little Respect" by Erasure.
9:31 a.m.Minutes late to work:
21Number of times loudly exclaimed "Pole Smoker!" in car on way to work:
8Cups of Thick & Muddy:
2.5Copies Made:
120Times sneaked off to bathroom to check out ass in new jeans:
12Daydreams about Bobi:
9,723.5Times "Once More, With Feeling" played in head:
2Male co-workers who have checked out rack:
3Times the sound of Terry's voice has made me want to stab my neck:
2311:58 a.m.Times almost gagged from smell outside:
4Number of screen toggles:
5Copies Made:
378Times sneaked off to bathroom to check out ass in new jeans:
22Daydreams about Bobi:
17,431Times thought about finally purchasing 'The Fifth Element' on DVD:
3Terry Evasions:
9Times Phyllis' wet cough has made me think about Kimberlina:
3Crying Fits:
23:38 p.m.Number of times I've been blessed out since lunch:
2Number of screen toggles:
12Copies Made:
392Times sneaked off to bathroom to check out ass in new jeans:
22 (0 since lunchtime)Daydreams about Bobi:
17,490Times thought about finally purchasing 'The Fifth Element' on DVD:
5Terry Evasions:
17Times Phyllis' wet cough has made me think about Kimberlina:
0 Phyllis went home to 'tend her horses'.
Crying Fits:
I can't leave for another 12 min. ARGH!!!
To pass 10 of those 12, here is a list of stuff I Don't do:
Craft - I paint, refinish, and do art stuff. But I can't make anything useful, functional, or even remotely aesthetic.
Jigsaw Puzzles - Fuck THAT headache.
Pay attention to the time - Always too early or too late.
Handle Criticism Well - At least I can admit it!
Fisting - enough said.
Sleep - O Sleep, my long lost love. Come back to me!
Wear Blue - I don't think I have a single blue shirt. Couldn't tell you why.
Spell - whutz a speilchezch?
Happy Fucking Friday!!!